




主要研究方向为商务智能、电子商务推荐系统、数据挖掘基础理论、电子商务平台支撑技术。近年来主持国家自然基金、国家科技支撑计划、国家软科学、国际合作项目、国家科技攻关子课题等国家级项目10余项,江苏省科技支撑计划、省教育厅高校自然科学基金重大项目等省市级项目20余项,及横向课题30余项。在TSMCB、SIGKDD、Information Sciences、WWWJ、KAIS、SigPro、JSS、JCSS、RecSys 等国内外期刊和会议上发表论文100余篇,其中20 篇被SCI 索引,40 余篇被EI 索引。在科学出版社出版25 万字专著1 部,获省市科技奖项6 项,其中江苏省科技进步二等奖1 项,三等奖1 项,南京市科技进步三等奖2 项,南京市优秀软件二、三等各1 项。申报国家专利46 项,已获得授权国家发明专利6 项、实用新型5 项。












ADMA 2012国际会议本地主席

国际会议 WISE 2013 大会联合主席

国际会议 ASONAM 2014 Industry Track 主席

国际期刊 WWWJ 编委

APWeb 2012 Workshop (The 2nd International Workshop on MobileBusiness Collaboration),Workshop 主席


IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

World Wide Web Journal

Knowledge and Information Systems

Information Sciences











[1] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Wu Junjie, and Xiong Hui. SAIL: Summation-bAsed Incremental Learning for Information-Theoretic Text Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43(2): 570-584 (2013).

[2] Wu Zhiang, Wu Junjie, Cao Jie, and Tao Dacheng. HySAD: A Semi-Supervised Hybrid Shilling Attack Detector for Trustworthy Product Recommendation. The 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2012), Beijing, China, August, 2012, pp. 985-993.

[3] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Wang Youquan and Zhuang Yi. Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Bidirectional Web Service Recommendation, Knowledge and Information Systems, 36(3): 607-627, 2013.

[4] Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie*, Tao Haicheng and Zhuang Yi. A Novel Noise Filter based on Interesting Pattern Mining for Bag-of-features Images.Expert Systems with Applications, 40(18): 7555-7561, 2013.

[5] Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie, Wu Junjie, Wang Youquan and Liu Chunyang. Detecting Genuine Communities from Large-Scale Social Networks: A Pattern-Based Method.The Computer Journal, Accepted, 2013 (forthcoming).

[6] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang. An Improved Protocol for Deadlock and Livelock Avoidance Resource Co-allocation in Network Computing. World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems, 13(3):373-388, 2010.

[7] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Mao Bo, and Zhang Yanchun. Shilling Attack Detection Utilizing Semi-supervised Learning Method for Collaborative Recommender System. World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems, 16(5-6): 729-748, 2013.

[8] He Jing, Zhang Yanchun, Huang Guangyan, Shi Yong, and Cao Jie. Distributed Data Possession Checking for Securing Multiple Replicas in Geographically-Dispersed Clouds, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), 78: 1345-1358, 2012.

[9] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Wu Junjie, and Liu Wenjie.Towards Information-Theoretic K-means Clustering for Image Indexing. Signal Processing,93(7): 2026-2037 (2013).

[10] Zhao Yanchang, Cao Jie, Zhang Chengqi, Zhang Shichao. Enhancing Grid-Density Based Clustering for High Dimensional Data. Journal of Systems & Software, 84(9): 1524-1539 (2011).

[11] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Zhuang Yi, Mao Bo, and Yu Zeng. A Novel Collaborative Filtering Using Kernel Methods for Recommender Systems, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21(4): 609-614, 2012.

[12] Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie, Mao Bo, and Wang Youquan. Semi-SAD: Applying Semi-supervised Learning to Shilling Attack Detection. The 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2011), Chicago, IL, USA, October, 2011, page: 289-292.

[13] Wu Junjie,Liu Hongfu,Xiong Hui,Cao Jie. A Theoretic Framework of K-means-based Consensus Clustering. 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013).

[14] Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie and Fang Changjian. Data Cloud for Distributed Data Mining via Pipelined MapReduce. The 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction (ADMI), Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2011, page: 316-330.

[15] Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie and Wang Youquan. Dynamic Advance Reservation for Grid System using Resource Pools. IFIP Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2011). Changsha, China, October, 2011, LNCS 6985, page: 123-134.

[16] Wu Zhiang, Mao Bo and Cao Jie. MRGIR: Open Geographical Information Retrieval using MapReduce. The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics (GeoInformatics 2011), Shanghai, China, June, 2011.

[17] Hu Haoran, Wu Zhiang, Mao Bo, Zhuang Yi, Cao Jie, and Pan Jingui. Pick-up Tree based Route Recommendation from Taxi Trajectories. The 13th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM 2012), LNCS 7418, pp. 471-483, 2012.

[18] Mao Bo, Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie. A framework of online spatial-temporal data visualization based on HTML5, ISPRS Archives Volume XXXIX-B2, 2012 Page(s) 123-127.

[19] Fang Changjian, Mao Bo, Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang.Exploiting Space-time Status for Service Recommendation. APWeb 2012 Workshop, The 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Business Collaboration (MBC 2012), April 11-13, 2012, LNCS 7234, pp. 245-256, Kunming, China.

[20] Wang Youquan, Wu Zhiang, Cao Jie, and Fang Changjian. Towards a Tricky Group Shilling Attack Model against Recommender Systems. The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012), December 15-18, 2012, LNAI 7713, pp. 675-688, Nanjing ,China.

[21] Mao Bo, Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Huang Guangyan, and Li Jingjun. Predicting Driving Direction with Weighted Markov Model. The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012), December 15-18, 2012, LNAI 7713, pp. 407-418, Nanjing ,China.

[22] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, and Wu Junjie. Community Extraction from Massive Social Networks. Business Intelligence in E-Commerce Workshop (BPS 2012), in conjunction with International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Dec. 15, Orlando, Florida, USA.

[23] Wu Zhiang, Yin Wenpeng, Cao Jie*, Xu Guandong and Cuzzozrea Alfredo.Community Detection in Multi-relational Social Networks. The 14th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2013), LNCS 8181: 43-56.

[24] Wu Zhiang, Tao Haicheng, Wang Youquan, Fang Changjian and Cao Jie*.A Cloud System for Community Extraction from Super-large Scale Social Networks. The 14th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2013), LNCS 8181: 499-502.

[25] Wang Yaqiong, Liu Hongfu, Lin Hao, Wu Junjie, Wu Zhiang, and Cao Jie.SEA: a system for event analysis on Chinese tweets. The 19th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2013), Chicago, IL, USA, August 2013, pp. 1498-1501.

[26] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang, Wu Junjie. Scaling Up Cosine Interesting Pattern Discovery: A Depth-First Method. Information Sciences, Available online 16 January 2014.

[27] 伍之昂, 曹杰, 王有权. 一种改进的死锁和活锁避免资源联合分配协议. 电子学报, 2011, Vol. 39(11):2589-2596.

[28] 伍之昂, 庄毅, 王有权, 曹杰. 基于特征选择的推荐系统托攻击检测算法. 电子学报, 2012, Vol. 40(8): 1687-1693.

[29] Cao Jie, Wu Zhiang*, Zhuang Yi, Mao Bo, and Yu Zeng. A Novel Collaborative Filtering Using Kernel Methods for Recommender Systems, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21(4): 609-614, 2012.

[30] 刘文杰, 伍之昂*, 曹杰, 潘金贵. 基于成对约束Info-Kmeans聚类的图像索引方法. 通信学报, 2013, Vol. 34(7).







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