


本科、硕士、博士均毕业于河海大学计算机科学与技术专业,其中博士期间获国家公派留学奖学金赴美国得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校联合培养,获得河海大学优秀博士论文奖;入选南京财经大学“青年学者计划”,获评首届“十佳班主任”,多次荣获“先进工作者”称号;主持国家自然科学基金项目“图文法形式框架下的空间语义机制研究”,作为骨干人员参与国家重点研发计划、江苏省自然科学基金等多项国家及省部级科研项目,在Software-Practice & Experience 、软件学报、Computer JournalCCF推荐期刊上发表多篇学术论文,参与多项大型应用软件的开发与实施,和南京大学,东南大学,香港科技大学(广州)等多个高校的相关课题组长期学术合作,担任Computer-Aided DesignScientific Reports等多个国际期刊审稿人。


Email: yfengliu28@126.com


[1] Yufeng Liu, Fan Yang, et al. Graph Grammar Formalism with Multigranularity for Spatial Graphs, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2023, 32(5): 809–827.

[2] Yufeng Liu, Fan Yang, et al. A fuzzy structure processing mechanism for graph grammar. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2023.

[3] 刘禹锋, 杨帆. 一种基于虚结点的空间图文法形式框架,软件学报, 2021, 32(12): 3669-3683.

[4] Yufeng Liu, Fan Yang. EGG plus: A graph grammar formalism with uncertain structure processing mechanism. Journal of Logic and Computation, 2021, 31(7): 1800-1819.

[5] Yufeng Liu, Xiaoqin Zeng, et al. Coordinate Graph Grammar for the Specification of Spatial Graphs. The Computer Journal, 2020, 64(5): 749-761.

[6] Yufeng Liu, Xiaoqin Zeng, et al. A graph grammar-based approach for graph layout. Software: Practice and Experience, 2018, 48(9): 1523-1535.

[7] Yufeng Liu, Kang Zhang, et al. Spatial specification and reasoning using grammars: from theory to application. Spatial Cognition & Computation, 2018, 18(4): 315-340.

[8] Yufeng Liu, Yangchen Zhou, et al. An improved generative design approach based on graph grammar for pattern drawing. Machine Graphics and Vision, 2024, 33(1): 3-20.

[9] 刘禹锋, , 刘健. 一种基于图文法的逻辑型图样本生成方法. 计算机工程, 2023, 49(11): 203-210.

[10] Yufeng Liu, Yangchen Zhou, et al. A grammar-based layout method for graph models. International Conference on Algorithm, Imaging Processing, and Machine Vision. SPIE, 2024, 12969: 268-278.

[11] Yufeng Liu, Yangchen Zhou, et al. An enhanced grammatical approach for graph drawing. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Visualization. SPIE, 2023: 6-13.

[12] Yufeng Liu, Fan Yang. A meta rule based Graph Grammar formalism for Spatial Graph, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Human-Computer Interaction, 2021: 135-138.

[13] Yufeng Liu, Fan Yang. An Enhancement to Graph Grammar for the Specification of Edge Semantics, IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, 2021: 1-5.

[14] Yufeng Liu, Xiaoqin Zeng, et al. Quantitative spatial semantics in a graph grammar formalism. International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing, 2018: 1-7.

[15] Yufeng Liu, Xiaoqin Zeng, et al. Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism. International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing, 2018: 327-331.

[16] Fan Yang, Yufeng Liu, et al. Asymmetric cross–modal hashing with high–level semantic similarity. Pattern Recognition, 2022, 130: 108823.

[17] Xiaoyu Wang, Yufeng Liu, et al. A Graph Grammar Approach to the Design and Validation of Floor Plans. The Computer Journal, 2020, 63(1): 137-150.

[18] Xiaoqin Zeng, Yufeng Liu, et al. An Edge-based Graph Grammar Formalism and its Support System. The 24th International DMS conference on Visualization and Visual Languages, 2018: 101-108.

[19] Xiaoqin Zeng, Yufeng Liu, et al. Edge-based graph grammar: theory and support system, Journal of Visual Languages and Sentient Systems, 2018, 4: 11-19.

[20] Xiaoyu Wang, Yufeng Liu, et al. Generating Tractable Designs by Transforming Shape Grammars to Graph Grammars. The 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, 2018: 13–15.


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