



·        Yan Li, Shifang Dai, Xiangmao Chang, “Collaborative video caching scheme over OFDM-based long-reach passive optical networks” ”, Optical Fiber Technology, 43: 72-81, 2018.

·        Yan Li, Shifang Dai, Huaili Zheng, “Collaborative video distribution in storage-limited passive optical networks”, The 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, 2017.

·        Yan Li, Shifang Dai, Weiwei Wu, “Integrated coding-aware intra-ONU scheduling for passive optical networks with inter-ONU traffic”, Optics Communications, 380: 342-351, 2016.

·        Yan Li, Shifang Dai, Jingjing You, “Revenue-oriented bandwidth allocation in optical OFDM intra data center networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2016: 1-6.

·        Yan Li, Shifang Dai, Xiangmao Chang, “Delay Guaranteed VoD services over group-based integrated fiber-wireless (FiWi) access networks with energy efficiency”, Optical Fiber Technology, 24: 100-105, 2015.

·        Yan Li, “A decentralized LR-PON architecture supporting efficient peer-to-peer communication”, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124(20): 4602-4606, 2013.

·        Yan Li, Xiangmao Chang, “Secure virtual private network (VPN) over passive optical network (PON) based on network coding”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9(9): 3651-3658, 2013.

·        Yan Li, Jianping Wang, Yun Xu, “Adaptive Intentional Connection Rerouting for Traffic Grooming in WDM Mesh Networks with Biological Attractor Selection”, The 16th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications , 2010.

·        Yan Li, Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao, Ashwin Gumaste, Yun Xu, Yinlong Xu, “Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks Supporting InterONU Communications”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28(5): 714-724, 2010.

·        Yan Li, Jianping Wang, Ashwin Gumaste, Yun Xu, and Yinlong Xu, “Multicast Routing in Light-trail WDM Networks”, IEEE Globecom , 2008.


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