朱桂祥,1989年生,江苏省扬州市宝应县人,南京财经大学信息工程学院讲师,2020年毕业于南京理工大学计算机科学与技术专业,获工学博士学位,研究方向:商务智能、人工智能、推荐系统、社会计算。在国内外著名SCI、SSCI、EI期刊和EI国际会议上发表论文30余篇,如TWEB、IPM、Neural Networks、ECRA、KBS、ESWA、Neurocomputing、MTA、WWWJ、TIST、TII、KAIS、计算机研究与发展、电子与信息学报、CCEAI 2023、CBD 2018国际会议等,申请发明专利10余项,获授权发明专利3项,2017年获得CSC国家公派留学奖学金,入选2022年江苏省科技副总,主持江苏省社科基金项目、江苏省科技厅产学研合作项目、江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究项目、南京财经大学青年学者研究计划,参与国家自然科学基金委项目以及江苏省科技厅项目10余项,研发的个性化旅游推荐、跨境电商推荐模型和智能营销决策模型在途牛旅游网、江苏中创供应链有限公司得到了应用,担任Tourism Management、Information Processing & Management、KBS、ESWA、Neurocomputing等国际期刊审稿人。
[1] Li Chen, Guixiang Zhu*, Weichao Liang, Jie Cao, Yihan Chen. Keywords-enhanced Contrastive Learning Model for travel recommendation[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2024, 16: 334-351. (SSCI JCR 1区 & SCI 中科院1区,Top期刊,CCF B类期刊)
[2] Shuxin Yang, Quanming Du, Guixiang Zhu*, Jie Cao, Lei Chen, Weipin Qin, Youquan Wang. Balanced influence maximization in social networks based on deep reinforcement learning[J]. Neural Networks, 2024, 16: 334-351. (SCI 中科院1区, Top期刊,CCF B类期刊)
[3] Shuxin Yang, Quanming Du, Guixiang Zhu*, Jie Cao, Weipin Qin, Youquan Wang, Zhendong Wang. Neural attentive influence maximization model in social networks via reverse influence sampling on historical behavior sequences[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024: 123491. (SCI 中科院1区, Top期刊,CCF C类期刊)
[4] Chen Wang, Tianyu Dong, Lei Chen, Guixiang Zhu*, Yihan Chen. Multi-objective optimization approach for permanent magnet machine via improved soft actor-critic based on deep reinforcement learning[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024: 125834. (SCI 中科院1区, Top期刊,CCF C类期刊)
[5] Haobin Cao, Guixiang Zhu*, Huanhuan Chen, Zilong Su, Ruizhe Chen, Hongda An, Chen Wang. Research on the impact of lithium battery ageing cycles on a data-driven lithium battery model[J]. World Wide Web. DOI: 10.1007/s11280-024-01318-8, 2024. (SCI 中科院3区, CCF B类期刊)
[6] Jie Shen, Lei Chen, Guixiang Zhu*, Jie Cao, Weiping Qin, Yihan Chen, and Yiheng Lu. Temporal preference and knowledge-aware collaborative attentive network for electrical material recommendation[C]// Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2024). IEEE, 2024, Accepted. (EI, CCF C类会议)
[7] Guixiang Zhu, Jie Cao*, Lei Chen, Youquan Wang. A multi-task graph neural network with variational graph auto-encoders for session-based travel packages recommendation[J]. ACM Transactions on the Web, 2023, 17(3): 1-30. (SCI 中科院3区,CCF B类期刊)
[8] Shuxin Yang, Xiaoyang Chang, Guixiang Zhu*, Jie Cao, Weipin Qin, Youquan Wang, Zhendong Wang. GAA-PPO: A novel graph adversarial attack method by incorporating proximal policy optimization[J]. Neurocomputing, 2023:557, 126707. (SCI 中科院2区, CCF C类期刊)
[9] Guixiang Zhu, Zhiang Wu*, Youquan Wang, Shanshan Cao, Jie Cao. Online purchase decisions for tourism e-commerce[J]. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2019, 38: 100887. (SSCI JCR 2区 & SCI 中科院2区)
[10] Guixiang Zhu, Youquan Wang*, Jie Cao, Zhan Bu, Shuxin Yang,Weichao Liang, Jingting Liu. Neural attentive travel package recommendation via exploiting long-term and short-term behaviors[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 211: 106511. (SCI 中科院1区, Top期刊)
[11] Shuxin Yang, Suxin Tong, Guixiang Zhu*, Jie Cao, Youquan Wang, Zhengfa Xue, Hongliang Sun, Yu Wen. MVE-FLK: A multi-task legal judgment prediction via multi-view encoder fusing legal keywords[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022: 107960. (SCI 中科院1区, Top期刊)
[12] Guixiang Zhu, Jie Cao*, Changsheng Li, Zhiang Wu. A recommendation engine for travel products based on topic sequential patterns[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(16): 17595-17612. (SCI 中科院3区, CCF C类期刊)
[13] 朱桂祥, 曹杰*. 基于主题序列模式的旅游产品推荐引擎[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2018, 55(5): 920-932. (EI源刊, CCF A类中文期刊)
[14] 张瑾, 朱桂祥*, 王宇琛, 郑烁佳, 陈镜潞. 基于异质图表达学习的跨境电商推荐模型[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(11): 4008-4017. (EI源刊)
[15] Shuxin Yang, Baizhen Chen, Guixiang Zhu*. EPCG: An elite population co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for global community deception[C]//Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. 2023: 66-71. (EI)
[16] Guixiang Zhu, Zhiang Wu*, Jie Cao, Jun Gu. Online tourism purchase analysis and prediction[C]// Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data. IEEE, 2018: 171-176. (EI)
[17] Li Chen, Guixiang Zhu, Weichao Liang, YouquanWang*. Multi-objective reinforcement learning approach for trip recommendation[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 226: 120145. (SCI)
[18] Zhiang Wu*, Jie Cao, Guixiang Zhu, Wenpeng Yin, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Jin Shi. Detecting overlapping communities in poly-relational networks[J]. World Wide Web, 2015, 18(5): 1373-1390. (SCI)
[19] Li Chen, Jie Cao*, Guixiang Zhu, Youquan Wang, Weichao Liang. A multi-task learning approach for improving travel recommendation with keywords generation[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 233: 107521. (SCI)
[20] Li Chen, Zhiang Wu*, Jie Cao, Guixiang Zhu, Yong Ge. Travel recommendation via fusing multi-auxiliary information into matrix factorization[J]. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2020, 11(2): 1-24. (SCI)
[21] Jie Cao, Youquan Wang*, Jing He, Weichao Liang, Haicheng Tao, Guixiang Zhu. Predicting grain losses and waste rate along the entire chain: A multitask multigated recurrent unit autoencoder based method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, 17(6): 4390-4400. (SCI)
[22] Jie Cao, Yuyao Wang, Zhan Bu, Youquan Wang, Haichen Tao, Guixiang Zhu. Compactness preserving community computation via a network generative process[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2021, 6(5): 1044-1056. (SCI)
[23] Youquan Wang, Zhiwen Dai, Jie Cao*, Jia Wu, Haicheng Tao, Guixiang Zhu. Intra-and inter-association attention network-enhanced policy learning for social group recommendation[J]. World Wide Web, 2022: 1-24. (SCI)
[24] Lei Chen, Jie Cao*, Youquan Wang, Weichao Liang, Guixiang Zhu. Multi-view graph attention network for travel recommendation[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 191: 116234. (SCI)
[25] Lei Chen, Jie Cao*, Huanhuan Chen, Weichao Liang, Haichen Tao, Guixiang Zhu. Attentive multi-task learning for group itinerary recommendation[J]. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2021: 1-30. (SCI)
[26] Shuxin Yang, Jianbin Song, Suxin Tong, Yunliang Chen*, Guixiang Zhu, Jianqing Wu, Wen Liang. Extending influence maximization by optimizing the network topology[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 215: 119349. (SCI)
[27] Jiangnan Tang, Youquan Wang, Jie Cao, Haicheng Tao, Guixiang Zhu. Inter-and Intra-Graph Attention Aggregation Learning for Multi-relational GNN Spam Detection[J]. Procedia Computer Science, 2022, 214: 1522-1530.
[28] 卜湛*, 伍之昂, 曹杰, 朱桂祥. 在线评论情感计算与博弈预测[J]. 电子学报, 2015, 43(12): 2530-2535. (EI)
[29] Zhengyi Yu, Youquan Wang, Jie Cao, Guixiang Zhu. PoI recommendation with interactive behaviors and user preference dynamics embedding[C]//2020 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD). IEEE, 2020: 252-258. (EI)
[30] Guiying Xu, Youquan Wang, Jie Cao, Guixiang Zhu. Intra-Attention and Inter-Attention for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification[C]//2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA). IEEE, 2020: 167-173.
[1] 朱桂祥; 曹杰; 张瑾; 夏天豪; 王宇琛; 温宇; 一种基于异构图表达学习的跨境电商推荐方法, 2021-2-15, 中国, ZL202110728252.6 (专利).
[2] 朱桂祥; 曹杰; 刘小惠 ; 重叠社区挖掘方法与装置, 2020-2-21, 中国, ZL201511024312.7 (专利).
[3] 曹杰; 朱桂祥; 王有权; 申冬琴; 尹文尧; 孙熙铭; 任畅然; 覃雅轩; 息东东; 徐静雯, 一种基于多任务自编码的图神经网络旅游包推荐方法, 2024-08-20, 中国, CN115017405B (专利).
[1] 江苏省社科基金项目, 一般项目, 24GLB011, 旅游多场景视角下在线旅游可解释方法研究, 2024-12-31至2026-12-31, 5万元, 在研, 主持.
[2] 江苏省科技厅产学研合作项目, BY20230083, 跨境电商平台的智能营销决策模型研究, 2023-12-31至2025-12-13, 30万元, 在研, 主持.
[3] 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究项目, 一般项目, 2023SJYB026, 基于大数据的旅游产品个性化定制和定价策略优化研究, 2023-12-01至2025-12-01, 1万元, 在研, 主持.
[4] 横向课题, 江苏中创供应链服务有限公司, 江苏省科技副总项目, 面向跨境电商平台的智能营销决策模型研究, 2022-06-01至2024-12-31, 30.05万, 在研, 主持.
[5] 横向课题, 江苏苏宁银行股份有限公司, 基于生态赋能的科技型中小企业精准金融营销系统, 2022-06-01至2024-12-31, 在研, 16万, 主持.
[6] 南京财经大学青年学者计划, 大数据驱动的智慧旅游营销决策, 2021-3-01至2024-03-01, 6万元, 在研, 主持.
[7] 南京财经大学教改课题, JGY202307, 以自主科研能力培养为导向的《机器学习》课程教学改革方案, 一般项目, 2023-12-01至2025-12-01, 0.5万元, 在研, 主持.
[8] 南京财经大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,国家级项目, 202410327054Z, “智游未来”:基于深度学习的可解释在线旅游营销决策平台, 2024-06-15至2025-06-15, 1万元, 在研, 主持.
[9] 南京财经大学校级课题,一般课题, XKYC3202411, 基于生成式人工智能的在线旅游推荐研究, 0.3万元, 2024-07-04至2025-0704, 在研, 主持.
[10] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 72172057, 电子商务虚假购买行为检测:用户购买全过程视角, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 48万元, 在研, 参与.
[11] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大研究计划, 92046026, 基于大数据的新一代电子商务全景式营销与决策研究, 2021-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 130万元, 资助期满, 参与.
[12] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 71871109, 社交媒体消费社群形成与演化机理研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 45万元, 资助期满, 参与.
[13] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 71701089, 融合行为模式和关系网络的广告虚假攻击检测研究, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 18万元, 结题, 参与.
[1] “浮游山海”, 南京财经大学第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校赛, 校三等奖.
[2] “智游未来”, 2024年度南京财经大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目, 国家级项目.
[1] 《电子商务数据分析》,本科专业:计算机科学与技术、软件工程、大数据(梅西).
[2] 《机器学习》,硕士专业:计算机科学与技术.