

时间 : 2018-09-06    浏览次数:

毛波,博士,现为南京财经大学江苏省电子商务重点实验室教授。江苏省计算机学会云计算专业委员会委员。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、省级课题1项,并作为主要人员参与过国家科技支撑计划等多项。目前研究方向为地理信息系统、物联网与三维可视化技术。近年来在包括ISPRS Journal、CEUS、Cartographica、计算机学报在内的国内外重要学术期刊会议上发表论文十余篇。担任多个期刊的审稿人及多个国际会议的程序委员会委员。

Dr.Bo Mao's English CV


  • 2019/07-至今,南京财经大学,信息工程学院,教授

  • 2011/12-至今,南京财经大学,江苏省电子商务重点实验室,副教授;

  • 2012/08-2012/10,澳大利亚维多利亚大学,应用信息学研究中心,访问学者。

  • 2008/9-2011/12,瑞典皇家理工学院,地理信息系统,博士,(导师:Yifang Ban

  • 2005/09-2008/6,东南大学,计算机科学与工程学院,硕士,(导师:曹玖新教授)。

  • 2001/09--2005/07,西安交通大学,计算机科学与技术系,学士。


  • [1]Bo Mao,Yifang Ban, Generalization of 3D building texture using image compression and multiple representation data structure, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, in press, 2013, (SCI, IF 3.435). 

  • [2]Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie. A Multiple Representation Data Structure for Dynamic Visualisation of Generalised 3D City Models, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2011, 66(2): 198-208. (SCI, IF 3.435) 

  • [3]Bo Mao, Lars Harrie, Yifang Ban. Detection and Typification of Linear Structures for Dynamic Visualisation of 3D City Models. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2012,35(3):233-244. (SCI, IF 1.923) 

  • [4]Bo Mao, Yifang Ban. Online Visualisation of 3D City Model Using CityGML and X3DOM, Cartographica, 2011, 46(2): 109-114. 

  • [5]毛波,曹杰,伍之昂,基于合并与典型化的三维城市模型综合,系统与仿真学报,录用,2013年刊出。 

  • [6]Bo Mao, Jie Cao, Zhiang Wu, Predicting Driving Direction with Weighted Markov Model, ADMA2012, Springer, LNAI (EI). 

  • [7]Bo Mao, Zhiang Wu, Jie Cao, A Framework of Online Spatial-temporal Data Visualization based on HTML5, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B2, 2012 XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia. 

  • [8]Bo Mao, Jie Cao, Zhiang Wu & Wei Yao. HTML5 based Visualization of high density LiDAR data and color information for agriculture applications, SilviLaser 2012, September 16-18, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. 

  • [9]Bo Mao,Yifang Ban, A multiple representation data structure of 3D building textures, 19th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Shanghai, 2011. 

  • [10]Bo Mao, Lars Harrie, Yifang Ban. A Dynamic Typification Method of 3D City Models using Minimum Spanning Tree, Proc. 6th international conference on Geographic Information Science (GIS'2010), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep.2010. 

  • [11]Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie. A Framework for Generalisation of 3D City Models based on CityGML and X3D, Proc. ISPRS workshop on Quality, Scale and Analysis Aspects of Urban City models, Lund, Sweden,Dec. 2009. 

  • [12]Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie. A Framework of Online 3D City Visualisation using CityGML and X3D, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE'09), Beijing, China, Sep. 2009. (On CDROM) 

  • [13]Zhiang Wu, Bo Mao,Jie Cao. MRGIR: Open geographical information retrieval using MapReduce,19th International Conference on Geoinformatics,Shanghai, 2011. 

  • [14]Zhiang Wu, Jie Cao, Bo Mao, Youquan Wang. Semi-SAD: applying semi-supervised learning to shilling attack detection. The 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys2011), Chicago, IL, USA, October, 2011, pp. 289-292. 

  • [15]Xin Huang, Bo Mao, Jie Cao, Zhiang Wu, Jingui Pan, Generalization of 3D city models with MapReduce for Web based visualization, AGILE 2012 workshop. 

  • [16]Changjian Fang, Bo Mao,Jie Cao, Zhiang Wu: Exploiting Space-Time Status for Service Recommendation. APWeb Workshops 2012: 245-256 LNCS (EI).

  • [17]Haoran Hu, Zhiang Wu, Bo Mao, Yi Zhuang, Jie Cao, Jingui Pan: Pick-Up Tree Based Route Recommendation from Taxi Trajectories. WAIM 2012: 471-483.

  • [18]Jiuxin Cao, Bo Mao, JunzhouLuo. A Segmentation Method for Web Page Analysis using Shrinking and Dividing. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2010, 25(2): 93 – 104.

  • [19]Jiuxin Cao, Bo Mao, JunzhouLuo, Bo Liu, 2009. Architecture and Algorithm of Phishing Web Pages Detection, Chinese Journal of Computers, 2009, Vol. 32(5) pp. 1088-1097 (in Chinese, EI)

  • [20]Jiuxin Cao, Bo Mao, JunzhouLuo, 2008. The Self-adaptive Framework of Learning Object Based on Context, International Conference On Computer Science And Software Engineering (CSSE), Wuhan, China, Dec. 12-14, 2008, pp.941-944 (EI).

  • [21]Jiuxin Cao, Bo Mao, JunzhouLuo, 2007. A Web Page Segmentation Algorithm Based on Iterated Dividing and Shrinking, Network and Parallel Computing Workshops (NPC2007). Dalian, China, Sep.17-21,2007: pp. 701-705 (EI).

  • [22]Jiuxin Cao, Bo Mao, JunzhouLuo, 2007. Self-Adapting and Agent-Based Personalised Courseware Model, IEEE The 21st International Conf. On Advanced Information and Application (AINA2007). Niagara, Canada, MAY 21-23,2007: pp. 695-701 (EI).


  • [1]曹杰, 伍之昂, 毛波. 基于马尔科夫链的网格服务质量调度方法. 国家发明专利. 授权专利号: ZL201110123200.2,授权日:2012-11-14. 

  • [2]曹玖新,罗军舟,毛波,基于图像处理的钓鱼网页检测方法。国家发明专利。授权号:ZL200710130809.6,授权日:2010年1月20日。 


    (1) 主持的科研项目

  • 2013.1—2015.12,基于形态分析的建筑群三维综合方法研究(41201486),国家自然基金青年项目,负责人。

  • (2)以主要人员参与的科研项目

  • 2013.1—2015.12,面向电子商务的三维在线商品展示技术与系统研究开发(2013BAH16F01),国家科技支撑计划"家电类消费品电子商务服务技术研究开发与应用示范"子课题,主要参与人员。


